

Advanced Prosthetics sees patients of all age ranges. Whether it is pediatrics or geriatrics, no patient is beyond our reach. At the core of our services are prosthetics. Our company has some of the most technologically advanced systems on the market. It is our duty to our patients to offer our patients the latest and greatest prosthetic components that are suited for their lifestyles. Our main goal is to keep patients active and comfortable in their prosthetics.

The bionic prosthetic leg, as shown, is an example of Ossur's Symbionic Leg which is for an above knee amputee. The knee component is called the Rheo Knee and the foot/ankle component is called the Proprio Foot. Both components work in unison via bluetooth and communicate as one fluid machine instead of two working parts. The Rheo Knee has a built in anti-stumble recovery feature that helps prevent falls when an amputee trips or exerts undesired movement into the knee. Advanced Prosthetics offers this leg as well as other microprocessor legs on the market. Check out the video link below for more information on Ossur's Symbionic Leg



The I-limb Ultra Revolution is the lastest prosthetic hand from Touch Bionics. This advanced hand has individual motors that power its robotic fingers. It will connect to patients smart phones, and it has pre-designated prehension patterns that are programmed based on the patients needs. Our practitioner, Dean Hesselgrave, is one of two prosthetists in the state of South Carolina that is a Touch Bionics Certified Prosthetist. It is important for our patients that our practitioners have up-to-date and relevant training in our field. Check out the video below for more information or go to the Advanced Prosthetics Youtube Page!



Advanced Prosthetics provides several methods that our prosthetics can be attached such as suspension sleeves, suction systems, and vacuum suspension systems. The Ossur Unity is an example of a vacuum suspension system that offers security and freedom without the sensation and restrictions of a sleeve. This advanced system from Össur effectively addresses volume fluctuation and is totally compatible with Flex-Foot technology.


Advanced Prosthetics offers a variety of orthotic services for our patients. Our company offers the most advanced orthotic devices on the market. The Ottobock E-MAG Control is an example of a robotic knee-ankle foot orthosis (KAFO) that helps patients walk with increased stability and precision. Check out the video below for more information!





Carbon bracing is an extremely beneficial technology that helps several of our patients. The Allard Toe-Off is a carbon fiber ankle foot orthosis (AFO) that helps patients diagnosed with foot drop reclaim natural gait again. This dynamic brace allows the patient to not be restricted and reduces muscle atrophy that is found with traditional AFO's.


Advanced Prosthetics works with several hospitals throughout the state. We supply the wound centers, emergency departments, and hospitals with medical equipment. Our practitioners visit patients in the hospital and home-bound patients who need consults. Common equipment our orthotists work with in these settings are back bracing, neck collars, offloading devices, and contracture bracing.

The Zero G is an offloading ankle-foot orthosis (AFO) used to take complete pressure off of a patient's foot. By being non-weight bearing, a patient can still be ambulatory and heal wounds, simultaneously. The Zero G has two sections called the Calf Lacer and AFO Base. The Calf Lacer grips the patient below the knee and provides support. The pull tab on the AFO Base is removed once the leg is secured which allows the patient's foot to be suspended taking complete pressure off of the patient's foot.


The DARCO OrthoWedge® is clinically proven to reduce weight bearing pressure on the forefoot which promotes faster healing after surgery, trauma or when forefoot wounds or ulcerations are present.



ADO (Advanced Diabetic Orthosis)

Advance Diabetic Orthosis



Custom to measurement. The inner lining is made from soft diabetic foam to protect the skin. The outer liner is constructed of firm EVA to maintain shape while accommodating volume changes of the leg. Finally, the rigid posterior shell is constructed to allow full heel relief in every plane while maintaining the ankle angle at 90 degrees. The extended foot section extends beyond the toes to protect the toes from ulceration. ADO has a non-skid sole that allows patients to ambulate short distances in the home.




  • Wagner 1+ ulceration of the heel. (Can be constructed to accommodate malleolus and forefoot wounds.)
  • Post-operative wound care. ADO easily accommodates a wound vac.
  • Post-Calcanectomy


WHO (Wound Healing Orthosis)

Heel or Forefoot Relief

Wound Healing Orthosis Wound Healing Orthosis


Custom to Cast. The inner liner is made from soft EVA and the outer layer is firm EVA creating a soft environment for the skin and soft edges perfect for the diabetic patient. The outer shell is constructed of polypropylene for maximum control of the foot and ankle complex. There is a molded anterior internal shell to limit shear forces and lock the leg in securely. A tri-laminated foot bed consisting of two densities EVA and one layer of Plastizote protect the foot during treatment. The forefoot design may be constructed as a solid ankle or with articulated ankle and plantar-flexion stop in patients where ankle motion is desirable.




  • As a stage two device when daytime ambulation is desired
  • Used in conjunction with the ADO night time orthosis
  • Used as a post-operative walking orthosis
  • Post TAL Procedure
  • Wagner 1-3 wounds where un-weighted ambulation is desired


WHO (Wound Healing Orthosis)

Midfoot/Walking AFO

Advance Diabetic Orthosis


Custom to cast. The inner liner is made from soft EVA and the outer layer is firm EVA creating a soft environment for the skin and soft edges perfect for the diabetic patient. The outer shell is constructed of polypropylene for maximum control of the foot and ankle complex. There is a molded anterior internal shell to limit shear forces and lock the leg in securely. A tri-laminated foot bed consisting of two densities EVA and one layer of Plastizote protect the foot during treatment. The foot bed may be designed to provide wound relief at the midfoot or forefoot. An outer sole has a rocker at the forefoot to provide transition to toe off during ambulation. Distal plastic guard protects toes.




  • Relief for midfoot ulcer during ambulation
  • Post-TAL with plantar ulcer
  • Immediate post-op forefoot or midfoot amputation
  • Immediate post Symes amputation
  • Post Charcot support and Rocker Foot support
  • Post-Calcanectomy


Advanced Prosthetics offers diabetic shoes and inserts for our patients. Patients that qualify for diabetic footwear are entitled to one pair of shoes and three inserts every year. Our company also offers custom shoes, shoe lifts, and shoe modifications for patients with other conditions.

Please go to the patient forms section on our website and read the requirements for diabetic shoes!


Advanced Prosthetics offers mastectomy apparel, forms, and prosthesis for patients with a single or double mastectomy, partial or full breast removal, or need post operative equipment. We have several fitters throughout the company, but one of our newest employees is Ann Stansell. Ann has become a large part of our mastectomy department and joined Advanced Prosthetics in 2012 helping patients throughtout the Upstate.



Our company is a proud supporter of Susan G. Komen and participates in the Race for the Cure. Our company stands beside our patients and community as we fight for the cure against the terrible disease that affects so many lives. If you would like to donate for this year's Race for the Cure, click on the link below. We appreciate your love and support!




Advanced Prosthetics offers a wide variety of compression stockings for our patients diagnosed with edema, varicose veins, blood clots, and other vascular issues. Our company offers several different brands including custom-made garmets for patients with specific needs.


For patients that struggle using traditional compression stockings, our company offers alternative options for our patients. Based on evaluations from our practitioners, these options could include options such as compression stockings with zippers or compression wraps. The Circaid Juxta Series is an example of a compression wrap that helps patients wear their garments by wrapping them around the designated area which eliminates the strain of pulling them into place. 





In addition to compression stockings, Advanced Prosthetics offers other compression garments such as lymphodema sleeves, gauntlets, compression gloves, and facial compression masks.